White Noise

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For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul? —Matthew 16:26

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. —Lao Tzu

Above: A man without a soul is just a statue. 

So many dollars, so little sense.

So many patients, so little patience.

So many houses, so few homes.

So many spiritualists, so few believers.

So many friends, so few families.

So many pessimists, so few optimists.

So many accomplices, so few allies.

So many consumers, so few creators.

So many lusters, so few lovers.

So many connections, so few companions.

So many snacks, so few meals.

So many takers, so few givers.

So many politicians, so few professionals.

So many trinkets, so few treasures.

So many words, so few wonders.

It’s just enough—

to make society sick.

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