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Hey there.

Let's stay in touch.

I write a weekly email where I share the best of my creations, reflections, and pensées.

White Noise contains an amalgam of fictional prose and useful, nonfictional insight derived from my indiscriminate reading, listening, conversing, thinking, and real-life experiencing.

These writings represent my attempt to make sense of the content I consume and thoughts that give me pause in today’s information deluge. The act of putting pen to paper helps elucidate the what, the why, and the how of things.

I don’t kid myself thinking that any great human truth will emerge from my writings. That said, if I help another unearth some unrecognized connection, simplicity, or realization, I consider it a small victory.

Hmms and ahhhs are good.

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White Noise is a work of experimentation. I view it as a sort of thinking aloud, a stress testing of my nascent ideas. Through it, I hope to sharpen my opinions against the whetstone of other people’s feedback, commentary, and input.

If you want to discuss any of the ideas or musings mentioned above or have any books, papers, or links that you think would be interesting to share on a future edition of White Noise, please reach out to me.

Read previous issues: